About Me

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18, college student, psychology major, pisces, good listener, bad girlfriend, argumentive, christian, confused, a bit touchy, extremely silly, sometimes moody. Possibly good friend to have. Very open, and easily tricked, but very wise in getting out of sticky situations!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tell me something I don't know part 1, probably

Tell me something I don't know. When my dreams crash down; what do I do next? When another guy has broken his promises; what do I do to keep my self-respect? Please tell me something I don't know. All I ever hear is stuff I already know, and ten times over at that. Sleeping with a broken heart is no joke. Lying under my covers when I want to feel warm, though it's sunny enough outside. Why does everyone tell you the things you have heard all your life, maybe even dealt with, and keep reminding you? 'Patience is a virtue', 'Wait your turn', 'Let them go, if they are truly yours they will come back', and my favorite, 'The best things in life are worth waiting for'. I know all of this, so why does my mother, father, pastor, teachers, counselors tell me it over and over. It gets so frustrating, like hearing a song played over & over when the song doesn't even apply to you anymore. I just would like for someone to tell me it's alright to actually feel pain, and maybe even wallow in it for a while. What's so wrong with sitting it out for a while and crying your eyes out,and than some, when you get tired of the same patterns in your life? I mean, sometimes I really wonder if I have learned any lessons in this life, because if I did I wouldn't have anything to show for it. Life is hard, but I think we all need a breather every now and than. To gather yourself, and shake off the rest.

Who are you to tell someone to stop 'whining' and pull themselves together. Yes, after a certain amount of time, but don't just step into someones life and judge them. Isn't blogging awesome?

Peace out

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